James Lee

Anand Purushottam

Android / Web Developer

About Me

I create and style content for both Android and the web. I work as a Senior Android Engineer during the day and love software design . Coding is my passion, imagination is my ability.

  • Extensive working experience in all phases of the project including design, development, testing and deployment.
  • Leadership abilities in engineering environment in driving operational excellence and best practices.
  • Known for writing efficient ,maintainable and reusable code.
  • Sound Knowledge of advance concepts like RxJava,Dependency injection.
  • Developed many complex app like Taxi Booking app, OpenCart e-commerce app, hyper-local app, etc.
  • Had developed backend apis and dashboards for android apps.


project name

Virtual Lab - Simulations to perform lab experiments

LabInApp is a 3D, interactive virtual laboratory tool that focuses on heuristic approach of understanding science. This heuristic ideology facilitates students and teachers to perform science experiments on computers or mobile devices, and eliminates the physical barriers of actual laboratory.

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project name

OyiCabs - Cab booking app

Oyi's offerings on its platform ranges from affordable Auto, cabs on the Oyi’s Mini range to the superior luxury offering from Oyi premium as well as localized offerings like the Auto-rickshaws to Shuttle buses for daily commute.

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project name

Shopchal : Hyper-local Search app

Local shopping can be tedious if you don't really know which shops sell the items that you are searching for. It can be even more difficult if you are new in an area. ShopChal is here to fix these type of problems and many more such problems for good.

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Work Experience

Android Developer - Cognitive clouds (March:2018 - Present)

Lead Android Developer - LabInApp Technology Pvt Ltd. (Feb:2017 - Feb:2018)

Co-Founder & Lead Developer - Shopchal LLP (Oct:2015 - Jan:2017)

My GitHub